
Below is a list of many of the talks I’ve given over the years.


07-24 Organiser and speaker at the ECMTB minisymposium “Collective behaviour across scales: drawing parallels from cells to humans” minisymposium: “Collective decision making in locust groups”.

07-24 Invited speaker at the ECMTB minisymposium “Multi-scale Modelling with Biological Applications” minisymposium: “Hybrid modelling of spatially extended reaction-diffusion processes”.

07-24 Invited speaker at the (University of Lancaster) symposium “Patterns in biology: mechanisms, analysis and utility”: “Mathematical insights into the modelling and measurement of the cell cycle.”

06-24 Inaugural speaker at the University of Bath Press Masterclasses: “Working with the media as an academic”.

04-24 Invited speaker at the at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC) “Maths Communication” minisymposium: “Adventures in Maths Communication”.


09-23 Plenary talk at the Doctoral Training Centre (University of Oxford) 21st anniversary conference.

06-23 Panel member on keynote debate “The role of social media, polarisation and the impact on scholarship” (University of Bath).

03-23  – “Putting Science Evidence into practice in UK policymaking” workshop with BEIS – “Gathering good evidence for policy” (University of Bath).

03-23 – International Longevity Centre – “Pandemics and longevity: Will we die, survive, or thrive next time?” event. “Critical weaknesses in shielding strategies for COVID-19”.


11-22 – Policy event with senior Civil Servants – “Gathering good evidence for policy”.

09-22 Edinburgh Mathematical Society public lecture for Maths Week Scotland. “The Maths of Life and Death: Understanding the Maths behind epidemics”

09-22 Panel member on the Association of British Science Writers UK Conference of Science Journalists “Covid, Scientists and Science Journalists”.

07-22 Invited speaker at the University of Bristol Engineering Mathematics Department Away day 2022. “Adventures in developmental biology”

06-22 Invited speaker at the Juniper Consortium seminar series. “Critical weaknesses in shielding strategies for COVID-19”.

06-22 Witness at the All Party Parliamentary Group on Coronavirus.

05-22 Keynote speaker at the The Public Perception of Science – Virtual Study Group, Newton Institute, “Science Communication in the time of COVID”.

04-22 Invited talk at Reclamation 2022 “The Maths of Life and Death: Understanding the Maths behind epidemics”

02-22 Plenary Speaker at ANZIAM 2022. “Adventures in developmental biology”.


11-21 Invited speaker at the Modelling Behaviour to Inform Policy for Pandemics workshop at the Newton Institute. “Misinformation can prevent the suppression of epidemics”.

10-21 Plenary Speaker at Catedra Europa, Universidad Del Norte, Columbia. “The Maths of Life and Death: Understanding the Maths behind epidemics”.

10-21 Invited speaker at the University of Dundee Division of Mathematics. “Adventures in developmental biology”.

09-21 Invited speaker at North West Seminars of Mathematical Biology and Data Science. “Hybrid Frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.

09-21 Talk at the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee discussion meeting – Mathematical modelling and Algorithms. “Mathematical Modelling in the context of COVID

09-21 Talk at the ICMS conference Modelling Diffusive Systems: Theory & Biological Applications. “The Maths of Life and Death: Understanding the Maths behind epidemics“.

07-21 MEI virtual conference 2021 Plenary talk. “The Maths of Life and Death: Understanding the Maths behind epidemics”.

06-21 University of Bath Integrative Think Tank 14. “Modelling the spread of COVID”.

06-21 Plenary at the Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting. “Adventures in developmental biology”.

05-21 Invited talk at the Warwick Complexity and Maths of Systems seminar series. “Hybrid Frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.

03-2021 Keynote at the IMA Tomorrow’s Mathematicians Today conference. “The Maths of Life and Death: Understanding the Maths behind Epidemics”.


12-2020 Plenary lecture at the Bringing Young Mathematicians Together (BYMAT) conference. “Modelling development in biology”.

10-2020 Invited lecture at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences. “The Maths of Life and Death: Understanding the Maths behind Epidemics“.

08-2020 Keynote Speaker at   the 1st Virtual Practitioners Conference on Desert Locust Management 2020. “Understanding randomness in locust swarms”.

07-2020 Invited lecture to the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. “Understanding the Maths behind Epidemics“.

06-2020 “Data and Drinks” talk to the Joint Biosecurities Committee – The evolution of the public understanding of R throughout the COVID-19 panddemic.

02-2020 Speaker at the Centre for Mathematical Biology, University of Bath. “Representing stochastic biological processes using hybrid frameworks”.

01-2020 Invited speaker at the University of Lancaster Biomedical and Life Sciences seminar series. “Appropriate representation of the cell cycle in mathematical models”.


09-2019 Keynote speaker at The Stochastic Modelling of Health and Disease conference at the University of Leeds. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.

04-2019 Invited speaker at the British Applied Maths Colloquium “Incorporating a multistage representation of the cell cycle into models of cell migration”.


11-2018 Invited speaker at the Kings College London Quantitative Systems Biology Workshop. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.

09-2018 Invited speaker at the University of Nottingham Applied mathematics seminar. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.

07-2018 Invited speaker at the ECMTB minisymposium “Multi-scale models of cell behaviour“. “Incorporating a multistage representation of the cell cycle into models of cell migration”.

05-2018 Invited speaker at the University of Glasgow applied mathematics seminar. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.

04-2018 Speaker at the UK conference on multiscale biology. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.

03-2018 Invited Speaker at the University of Edinburgh’s mathematical biology seminar. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.


12-2017 Invited speaker at University of Southampton’s applied mathematics seminar. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.

10-2017 Invited Speaker Imperial College London Biomathematics seminar. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.

09-2017  Speaker at the Zeeman Institute launch meeting, University of Warwick “A multistage model of the cell cycle”.

05-2017 Invited speaker at the University of Warwick Warwick’s Zeeman Institute for Systems Biology and Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research (SBIDER). “Hybrid frameworks for modelling reaction-diffusion processes”.


07-2016 Invited speaker at the SMB/ECMTB conference minisymposium – Spatial patterning at the single cell level “Connecting coarse- and fine-grained volume excluding models of diffusion”.

07-2016 Invited speaker at the Evolution group seminar series at the University of Bath Biology and Biochemistry Department. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling cell migration”.

06-2016 Invited speaker at the Spatially Distributed Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Biology conference, as part of the Newton Institute programme on Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Biology: Numerical Methods and Applications. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling cell migration”.

You can find a video of this talk below:

05-2016 Invited speaker at the Cell and Developmental Biology Seminar series at the University of Bath Biology and Biochemistry Department. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling cell migration”.

05-2016 Invited speaker at the applied non-linear mathematics Seminar at the University of Bristol Engineering Department. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling cell migration”.

04-2016 Invited speaker at the workshop on “fluctuation-driven phenomena in biological systems” at the University of Warwick Mathematics department. “Hybrid frameworks for modelling cell migration”.


11-2015 Invited speaker at the University of Birmingham Applied Mathematics seminar, “A PDE/compartment-based hybrid method for simulating stochastic reaction-diffusion”.

10-2015 Invited speaker at the Biomath seminar series, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, “Developing PDE-compartment hybrid frameworks for modeling cell migration”.

09-2015 Contributed talk at the IMA Conference on Numerical Methods for Simulation, University of Oxford, “The pseudo-compartment method for coupling PDE and compartment-based models of diffusion”.

06-2015 Speaker, chair and organizer at SMB mini-symposium on “Multiscale hybrid modelling of stochastic reaction-diffusion systems”, Atlanta, Georgia, “The pseudo-compartment method for coupling PDE and compartment-based models of diffusion”.

03-2015 Speaker at the SAMBa student seminar, University of Bath. “Developing biologically-inspired stochastic methodologies.”


11-2014 Invited speaker at the BIRS workshop “Particle-Based Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Models in Biology” in Banff, Canada. “A PDE/compartment-based hybrid method for simulating stochastic diffusion.”

You can see me giving the talk below:

10-2014 Invited Speaker Imperial College London Biomathematics seminar. “Adaptive, discrete-state multi-level simulation for biochemical reaction networks.”

06-2014 Organiser of and speaker at the mini-symposium “Position-jump models of biological processes on irregular lattices” at the 9th European Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Biology at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. “Relevance of the Voronoi domain partition for position-jump reaction-diffusion processes on nonuniform rectilinear lattices.”

06-2014 Invited Speaker at the mini-symposium “Collective motion of about 100 particles” at the 9th European Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Biology at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. “Spatial “self-propelled particle” and non-spatial “reaction-network” models explain locust swarm cohesion.”

05-2014 Invited speaker, CoMPLEX, University College London, “Modelling Melanocyte cell migration”.

03-2014 Invited speaker, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester. “Revisiting locust switching behaviour”.


11-2013 Invited speaker at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex. “Modelling Melanocyte cell migration”.

10-2013 Invited speaker, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester. “Modelling Melanocyte cell migration”.


11-2012 Invited speaker at Herriot Watt University, Department of Mathematics in Edinburgh.

10-2012 Invited speaker at statistic workshop, University of Oxford. “From Antigenic variation to antZ”.

07-2012 Invited speaker at the workshop “Ethology and Rheology of Physarum and its related topics“. Future University, Hakodate, Japan.

05-2012 2020 science seminar series. “From Antigenic variation to AntZ”.

05-2012 Departmental research update Centre for Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford. “From Antigenic variation to AntZ”.

03-2012 Invited speaker at the CoSy Lunch Seminar series, University of Uppsala, Sweden. “Modelling cell migration: from discrete to continuous”.

02-2012 Invited speaker at the Computational biology group meeting , University of Oxford. “Stochastic modelling: From Locusts to Egg-shells”.


10-2011 Invited speaker at the stochastic modelling discussion group series, University of Oxford. “Efficient and Accelerated Stochastic Simulation Algorithms”.

06-2011 Invited speaker at the Doctoral Training Centre summer conference, University of Oxford. “Modelling cell migration: A D.Phil. in movies”.

05-2012 Departmental research update Centre for Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford. “Modelling cell migration: A D.Phil. in movies”.

04-2011 Invited speaker at the individual based modelling discussion group series, University of Oxford. “Return to Eden: How biologically relevant can on-lattice models really be?”.


10-2010 Invited speaker at the Math-Bio-Medicine (MBM) seminars series, University of Leeds. “United by noise: Randomness helps swarms stay together”.

09-2010 Invited speaker at Culham Science Centre (home of UK’s fusion research programme, and JET). “United by noise: Randomness helps swarms stay together”.

06-2010 Invited speaker at the Fourth annual Systems Biology Inter-DTC Conference (University of Warwick Systems Biology Centre) “A comparison of stochastic and analytical models for cell migration”.

04-2010 Invited speaker at the Manchester SIAM student chapter conference “Comparing Stochastic and Continuum Models For Cell Migration”.


Talk11/2009 – Junior Applied Mathematics Seminar “A comparison of stochastic and analytical models for cell migration“.

10/2009 – Departmental Transfer of Status talk “A comparison of stochastic and analytical models for cell migration“.

06/2009 – Invited speaker at the third annual Systems Biology Inter-DTC Conference (University of Manchester Systems Biology Centre) “A comparison of stochastic and analytical models for cell migration during early embryo somitogenesis.*

05/2009 – Invited speaker at Princeton University Department of Engineering: “United by noise: Randomness helps swarms stay together”*.

05/2009 – Mini-symposium speaker at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, Utah: “United by noise: Randomness helps swarms stay together”*.

02/2009 – Invited speaker at the 2nd Annual Oxford SIAM Student Chapter Conference: “United by noise: Randomness helps swarms stay together”.


10/2008 – Junior Applied Mathematics Seminar “Locust Pocus: How Does Randomness Help Swarms Stay Together”.

Seeing the world through a mathematical lens